Mentions légales

This site was created by a group of students within the framework of a project tutored in foresters’ interest of the world.

Creator, designer, developer of the site : Ambre Agency


(Group of student at the university of Bougogne)

Project manager: Fabien CLEMENT –

IUT of Dijon – DUT MMI

7 Boulevard Dr Petitjean, 21078 Dijon, France

Ambre agency

IUT de Dijon – DUT MMI

7 Boulevard Dr Petitjean, 21078 Dijon, France

Forestiers du Monde ®

42 Avenue Victor Hugo, 21000 Dijon, France

Editorial directors : Jean-Noël CABASSY et Pascal OBSTETAR

Forestiers du Monde® with its official logotype is a registered trademark with the INPI. Any use or reproduction of the logotype and the name are subjected to the prior authorization of the collective presidency.

Host : –OVH – 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France

Publication director : Forestiers Du Monde®

  • Forestiers Du Monde® does not collect any information about users in terms of cookies.
  • Registration information is collected by Forestiers du Monde® only in the interest of the project.
  • Forestiers Du Monde® offers no services online.
  • The purpose of this site is to provide information about the whole project and its organizers.
  • Forestiers Du Monde® strives to provide information as accurate as possible but these may not be perfectly exhaustive.
  • All the photos on the site are the property of Forestiers Du Monde®.
  • All data on this site are subject to intellectual property rights.
  • Any dispute relating to the use of the site is subject to French law and to the competent courts.

Any dispute relating to the use of the site is subject to French law and to the competent courts.